With just over 2 months to go, here are a few things to get excited about:

  • New and improved route – particularly on day 2, with the addition of a challenging new climb for the Ram Runners. The spectacular views will be worth it!
  • Glencairn farm is right below Sani Pass, so if you have never been up pack your passport and take the drive. It’s awesome!
  • Make sure you leave some gas in the tank after day 1 for a game of afternoon ultimate Frisbee.
  • Evening acoustic session with Mali Zulu and Freddy – L (The Subway Run)! Two vibey up and coming groups who will get the jol going.
  • There are many newly born lambs eagerly awaiting to be fed so if you have youngsters coming, they will love it.

If your friends have not entered or you have entered but not paid be sure to do so as spots are limited! Click this link to book your weekend away, running in the Berg.

Keep up the running!

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